Berlin 2009. Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall which I photographed in 1989 for the Independent Newspaper I returned to photograph the changes that have happened over the past 20 years..The remains of the STADTSCHLOSS ( the City Castle ) built in 1451 but bombed in WW2 and finally pulled down by the East German Government to make way for the Palast der Republick which in turn has been pulled down to make way for a rebuilding of the original Palace. If another 63 million euros can be found re building should start in 2010 to be finished in 2015. Berliners I spoke to want the palce but don't want to pay for it..The Altes Museum on the back left and the Berlin Dom and Television mast at Alexander Platz are in the background..COPYRIGHT PHOTOGRAPH BY BRIAN HARRIS © 2009.07808-579804
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