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American Road Trip 1988-1992
47 images
Created 21 Nov 2018
USA American Road trip 1988
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Brian in Death Valley California 198...jpg
Death Valley California USA_BH8_5625.jpg
Death Valley California USA_BH8_5538.jpg
Montana USA_BH8_5689.jpg
Death Valley California_BH8_5537.jpg
Detroit USA_BH8_5535.jpg
Detroit USA_BH8_5534.jpg
Detroit Derelict Chrysler Car Plant ...jpg
Detroit USA_BH8_5600.jpg
Detroit USA_BH8_5561.jpg
Detroit Policeman dies 1088.jpg
Detroit 1988 1.jpg
Gun Club Maryland USA 1988_BH8_5601.jpg
Austin Police Patrol Texas USA_BH8_5...jpg
USA Election Austin 1992 3.jpg
Iowa USA 1992_BH8_6327.jpg
Iowa USA 1992_BH8_6328.jpg
New Orleans USA 1988_BH8_5529.jpg
New Orleans USA 1988_BH8_5536.jpg
New Orleans USA 1988_BH8_5543.jpg
New Orleans USA 1988_BH8_6333.jpg
New Orleans USA Baptist Church 1988_...jpg
San Francisco USA_BH8_5669.jpg
Bellhop BH8_5645.jpg
San Francisco USA_BH8_5671.jpg
US Presidential Election Campaign 19...jpg
USA California_BH8_5678.jpg
Washington DC Oct 1977.jpg
Washington DC USA Lincoln Memorial_B...jpg
Washington DC USA Vietnam Memorial_B...jpg
Washington DC USA Washington Memoria...jpg
Washington Airport_going to where th...jpg
USA Texacana line dance 1992_4.jpg
Wyoming Barber Shop 1988.jpg
Wyoming USA_BH8_5608.jpg
Wyoming USA_BH8_5617.jpg
Wyoming USA_BH8_5636.jpg
Wyoming Barber Shop 1988.jpg
Wyoming USA_BH8_5618.jpg
Wyoming USA_BH8_5655.jpg
New York USA_BH8_5541.jpg
New York USA_BH8_5638.jpg
New York USA_BH8_5542.jpg
World Trade Centre NY 1988.jpg
Yellowstone Park 1988.jpg
Death Valley.jpg
Yellowstone National Park USA_BH8_56...jpg
Brian Harris the Independent Photographer
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